How can we start 2022 happier? By focusing on the things we can control!
How can we start 2022 happier? This month, Action for Happiness Australia is encouraging everyone to focus on what we can control to boost our happiness as we come into the New Year.
This month’s theme is based on not just one, but all 10 Keys to Happier Living. Find out more about the Ten Keys here.
With uncertainty for the year still hovering over like a grey cloud, some of things this month’s calendar suggests includes:
Finding three things to look forward to in 2022
Choose one of your strengths and find a way to use it today
Ask other people about things they’ve enjoyed recently
Say hello to a neighbour and get to know them better.
I’ve also just recently downloaded the Action for Happiness App for my phone (iOS or Android). The app is like having a little personal action coach in your pocket who can give you friendly reminders with an action idea each day. It also sends inspiring messages to give you a boost, and helps you connect and share ideas with like-minded people.
To read about the 10 Keys to Happier Living in detail, download the guidebook for free from the Action for Happiness here
And of course, to download the full calendar – please click here.