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Abstract Paper Craft


Understanding your own and others' personalities, values, behaviours and strengths unlocks a world of potential.


Understanding what makes you, you! 


Profiling is a valuable process to help you develop insight into what makes you, and others, tick. It helps get the best out of your career and life by clearing the fog - allowing you to see things a little clearer. 


I use tools that highlight strengths and behaviours, and explore how this influences your actions in specific settings and situations - and how you may interact with others differently if you know their individual profile too.


Many people don’t realise how many different profiling tools are out there. It’s not a case of one-size-fits-all so it’s important we find the right tool to make sure we’re achieving your goals.
Let’s pretend I was a carpenter. I wouldn’t just carry a hammer around, I’d have a whole range of tools to suit whatever job I was tackling. 
It’s the same when we talk about profiling.
Let’s say, for example, you want to get to the next stage of your career. We need to find the right tool to find the strengths and skills to make that happen.
That’s why I’m accredited in four different profiling tools, so I can give you the right insights to find the right solutions.


  1. Myers Briggs Type Indicator Personality Profile

  2. Strengths Interventions Profile

  3. Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test

  4. PRISM Brain Mapping

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Personality Profile 

This profile uses a questionnaire to give you an insight into how you take in information, make decisions, judgements and take action. It assesses what drives your personal energy and how you prefer to interact with the world. For example, are you quiet and retiring, or thrive on being around people?


The results from the MBTI will help you understand yourself and others. It provides insight into what motivates you, your strengths and your potential areas for growth.


We can use the results from this to improve your:

  • Communication skills

  • Decision-making

  • Conflict resolution

  • Team building

  • Career development

  • Time management

  • Stress management

  • Customer relations, and

  • Change management.

Strengths Interventions

There are two main tools that I use to assess your strengths:


1. The Values In Action (VIA) Survey of Character Strengths

The VIA is a popular tool in schools and communities. It’s a questionnaire that you complete online to help you to understand more about your core character traits. This information can be used to make decisions about how you live your life, your future and your career.


2. The Strengths Profile

This tool helps you understand more about your strengths so you can understand what motivates you. You can then use this knowledge to give you a more successful, meaningful career doing more of what you enjoy.

This is a popular tool for recruitment, career building and helping to build stronger teams.

Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)

This profiling tool is designed to assess and develop your emotional intelligence in four key areas. 


These four key areas are as follows:

  • Recognise your own and others’ emotions

  • Generate and use emotion in problem-solving

  • Understand emotions and how emotions may change

  • Manage your own and others’ emotions


It’s particularly useful for managers and leaders as it helps to monitor your own, and others’ feelings and emotions and helps you use that information strategically.


Many individuals I meet benefit greatly from Emotional Intelligence insights.

PRISM Brain Mapping

This is an online, neuroscience based tool designed to find your behavioural preferences in personal relationships and work performance.


The PRISM uses three profiles to map your behaviour including:

  • How you naturally behave

  • How much you modify your behaviour on occasion to achieve objectives

  • The overall pattern of your behaviour that you use most of the time.


You get a 60-page report from this profiling tool that measures 26 aspects of your work performance.


It’s often used to improve leadership, career development, coaching, team building and recruitment.  

Profiling is usually done alongside coaching. It supports the work I do in our one-to-one sessions or as part of coaching within your organisation.  


If you’re an existing client I’ll speak to you during our sessions to check you’re happy to take part in profiling and to find the right tool.


If I’m working with you in an organisation we’ll assess which tool will be the most appropriate to use to get the most for you and your wider team.



If you’d like to book a profile without becoming a client here’s the process


  • Get in touch with me for a quote on what you need.

  • We’ll book a 30 - 60 minute chat to find the best tool for your needs. 

  • I’ll send you access to the profiling tool that we’ve selected. 

  • You complete the questions. 

  • We book a one hour de-briefing session to talk about the results and how to apply them. 


Profiling is a personal process and it’s important you understand how to use the results effectively. That’s why I offer profiling with at least one hour of coaching before and after you’ve completed the tool.


Get in touch if you'd like to know more about profiling, or would like to arrange a profiling tool for your individual needs.

Interested in coaching instead? Click here

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